

Perfect for the business owner or influencer who wants to do her own social
media but doesn’t know where to start.


5 Personalised Canva Templates

Personalised content ideas in a pdf doc

10 ready-to-go posts in a content planner

Reels & Video Content

Professional Photos

A clearer view of your existing branding in a summary document

Investment: $750


Take the stress out of running your business’ social media.
I can create & post content for you.

These three packages include:

Content sessions as needed

Professional photos

Reels & video content

Personalised graphics

Regular Insights - your choice of monthly or quarterly reports


Package 2 includes 6 posts a week = $225 per week

Package 3 includes 3-4 posts a week = $160 per week

Package 4 includes 2 posts a week = $100 per week

NEW SERVICE: Email Marketing

Our email campaigns help you connect authentically with your audience. Elevate your brand with engaging, effective emails that turn subscribers into loyal customers and raving fans!

Investment: $75 Per Email

Please note this price does not include the subscription costs of your website / email provider.

CLASS: Social media 101

Feeling overwhelmed by social media? Let us help! Our one-on-one social media tutorial is designed to provide you with personalised guidance tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're struggling with content creation, platform navigation, or strategic planning, our expert team is here to support you every step of the way.

In this class, you'll receive:

Customised lessons focused on your specific challenges

Hands-on training with practical tips and tricks

Insights into the latest social media trends and tools

Strategies to boost your online presence and engagement

Don't let social media stress you out any longer. Book your personalised tutorial today and take control of your social media with confidence!

Investment: $150 Per Class

Please note - I understand not all work can be summarised into packages and also offer an hourly rate of $85.